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Getting Started with ArcGIS Pro

In this lab, you will work through a couple tutorials that will help you get your bearings using the ArcGIS Pro software package and gain familiarity with some basic aspects of GIS.

1) Complete the ArcGIS Pro Tutorial to make your first map! Then watch a few videos to gain familiarity with some other aspects of the application.

2) Work though a tutorial on coordinate reference systems. You will learn how to determine the coordinate system maps and layers in ArcGIS Pro projects. You will also learn how to reproject layers by assigning new projections. Lastly, you will compare a few projections and see how choice of projection can effect a calculation of population density.

3) You will recreate an example from history using modern geospatial analysis methods. Dr. John Snow was the first person to prove that Cholera was a waterborne pathogen. He used manual surveying, a paper map, and rudimentary geospatial analysis to identify a well as the source of a Cholera out break in London. You will apply a modern method known as kernel density to recreate this analysis and see if you can find the well that caused the outbreak.

Accessing ArcGIS Pro

See the Lab Access page of the Syllabus. To opne ArcPro from a lab computer or once you have it installed on your own system, you can find it using the Windows start tab or search bar.

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