History of GIS, Coordinate Reference Systems & Introduction to ArcGIS Pro
Learning Outcomes
This module will cover three general topics and will be delivered over two weeks. It is intended to give a broad overview of the discipline and get you started with using GIS
History of GIS
- First maps & surveys
- Exploration and expansion - maps and colonialism
- Development of atlases (first spatial databases)
- Development of map projections and spatial analysis methods
- Historical wrongs in GIS
Coordinate Reference Systems
- Steps of Abstraction: 3D Earth »> 2D Map
- Local vs. Datums
- Geographic Coordinate Systems
- Projected Coordinate Systems
- Map Scale
Introduction to ArcGIS Pro (Lab Weeks 1 & 2)
- Get your bearings with ArcGSI Pro software package
- Determine a layer’s Coordinate Reference System
- Investigate the impacts of Coordinate Reference System on analysis
- Set the scale of your map
- Brief overview of digitizing and georeferencing
- Introduction to spatial analysis
- Create and share a map
Every module has a corresponding canvas submission that will be scored out of 100 pts. See the assessment pages.