Doing GIS with Python

Start a Python Project

Import the packages needed

# Packages for handling files
import os
import zipfile
import shutil
# Packages for reading and plotting data
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Import the point data from github

PID_Metadata = pd.read_csv('')


PID_locations = pd.read_csv('')

print('\nData Preview')

   Unnamed: 0                   Key  \
0           0    Most Recent Update   
1           1  Primary Data Sources   
2           2                Notes:   
3           3            Created by   
4           4            Other Info   

0                                         2023-02-12  
1  CBC Deadly Force 2018: https://newsinteractive...  
2  These point locations have been geocoded using...  
3                                       June Skeeter  
4  Police_Killings_Locations contains only locati...  

Data Preview
         date  INDEX id_victim first_name  last_name middle_name   age gender  \
0  2000-01-05    235   235_KCC       Paul    Murdock         NaN  25.0    NaN   
1  2000-01-19    236   236_KCC      Lloyd  Dustyhorn         NaN  53.0   Male   
2  2000-01-29    237   237_KCC     Rodney     Naitus         NaN  25.0   Male   
3  2000-01-30    238   0413_V1     Stuart   Mitchell         NaN  49.0   Male   
4  2000-02-03    239   239_KCC   Lawrence     Wegner         NaN  30.0   Male   

            race ethnic_ancestry  ... ds_rank                   Type    GC  \
0  Not Specified   Not Specified  ...     NaN  Police Involved Death  True   
1     Indigenous   Not Specified  ...     NaN         Police Killing  True   
2     Indigenous   Not Specified  ...     NaN         Police Killing  True   
3  Not Specified   Not Specified  ...     NaN         Police Killing  True   
4     Indigenous   Not Specified  ...     NaN         Police Killing  True   

  GC_City_Only   latitude   longitude                   geocoding_attempt  \
0         True  43.653482  -79.383935                          Toronto ON   
1         True  52.131802 -106.660767                        Saskatoon SK   
2         True  52.131802 -106.660767                        Saskatoon SK   
3        False  43.658858  -79.365514  Winchester & Parliament Toronto ON   
4         True  52.131802 -106.660767                        Saskatoon SK   

                                    geocoding_return geocoding_notes  \
0                           Toronto, Ontario, Canada          Passed   
1                    Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada          Passed   
2                    Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada          Passed   
3  Parliament Street, Toronto, Ontario M5A 2Z6, C...          Passed   
4                    Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada          Passed   

0      Toronto  
1    Saskatoon  
2    Saskatoon  
3      Toronto  
4    Saskatoon  

[5 rows x 47 columns]

Import the Census Data

Extract a .zipfile of census data downloaded from simply analytics

  • Read the metadata
BC_Census_Data = 'SimplyAnalytics_Shapefiles_2023-02-02_23_07_59_7fa10dab487cee919a8d7e30ddf85ff3'

with zipfile.ZipFile('Data/'+BC_Census_Data+'.zip','r') as BCD:
  print('.zipfile contains:')
  print (BCD.namelist())

print('\n Varible Names:')

with open('Data/temp_files/variable_names.txt') as var_name:
.zipfile contains:
['SimplyAnalytics_Shapefiles_2023-02-02_23_07_59_7fa10dab487cee919a8d7e30ddf85ff3.dbf', 'SimplyAnalytics_Shapefiles_2023-02-02_23_07_59_7fa10dab487cee919a8d7e30ddf85ff3.prj', 'SimplyAnalytics_Shapefiles_2023-02-02_23_07_59_7fa10dab487cee919a8d7e30ddf85ff3.shx', 'SimplyAnalytics_Shapefiles_2023-02-02_23_07_59_7fa10dab487cee919a8d7e30ddf85ff3.shp', 'variable_names.txt']

 Varible Names:
VALUE0  # Household Population by Aboriginal Identity | Household Population For Aboriginal Identity | Aboriginal Identity, 2022
VALUE1  # Basics | Total Population, 2022
VALUE2  # Household Population by Visible Minority Status | Household Population For Visible Minority | Visible Minority Total, 2022

Read the Shapefile

  • Rename the columns
  • Change the projection
  • Calculate the new columns
  • Plot a map
# Read Data
BC_subDivs = gpd.read_file('Data/temp_files/'+BC_Census_Data+'.shp')

# Rename Columns
BC_subDivs = BC_subDivs.rename(columns = {

# Project to BC Albers
BC_subDivs = BC_subDivs.to_crs(3005)

# Calculate White and Non-White Population Totals
BC_subDivs['Pop_NonWhite'] = BC_subDivs[['Pop_Indigenous','Pop_Visible_Minority']].sum(axis=1)
BC_subDivs['Pop_White'] = BC_subDivs['Pop_Total'] - BC_subDivs['Pop_NonWhite']

# Make a Map
ax.set_title('Population by BC Sub-Divison 2022')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Population by BC Sub-Divison 2022')

Saving Data

Lets save the data and also create a .zip file so the data can be downloaded more easily.

# Shapefile is a more complex format often used in desktop GIS.  We're saving to a temp folder because we will then zip the data for easier download

# Save the .shp to a .zip for easier download
filepath = 'Data/'

# Delete old .zip file *if it exists*

with zipfile.ZipFile(filepath, 'a') as zipf:
    source_path = 'Data/temp_files/'
    source_name = 'BC_subDivs_2022'
    destination_name = 'BC_subDivs_2022'
    # Add the BC_subDivs_2022.shp
    for tag in ['.shp','.dbf','.prj','.shx']:
      zipf.write(source_path+source_name+tag, destination_name+tag)

    # Add the deaths data as well
    source_path = 'Data/PID_locations.csv'
    destination = 'PID_locations.csv'
    zipf.write(source_path, destination)

# Delete data in temp_files
for root, dirs, files in os.walk('Data/temp_files'):
    for f in files:
      if f != '.gitignore':
        os.unlink(os.path.join(root, f))
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_30088\ UserWarning: Column names longer than 10 characters will be truncated when saved to ESRI Shapefile.