"Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things."
-Waldo Tobler
This might seem obvious:
Not a grantee of similarity.
Uneven distribution across space.
As a model of a complex system becomes more complete, it becomes less understandable.
Map scale: ratio of map units to real world units.
Comparison of Different Time Scales
Different phenomena operate on different temporal and spatial scales.
Different phenomena operate on different temporal and spatial scales.
Measure of similarity across space.
We can exploit spatial autocorrelation to simplify our representation of spatial data.
We don't need the location of every tree to map a forest.
Natural systems usually exhibit degrees of spatial heterogeneity and autocorrelation.
Relates to the level of spatial detail in a dataset.
What is the smallest feature that is included in a dataset?
Relates to the level of temporal detail in a dataset.
Over what time period is the data valid?
Are there multiple observations?
The scale of our analysis dictates our desired resolution.
Data resolution can limit the scale of our analysis.
Acknowledge the heterogeneity where appropriate.
Count on spatial autocorrelation
and call a unit homogeneous where appropriate.
At even smaller scales, more and more generalization is required.