A map projection is a flattened GCS. Imagine sending rays of light through the ellipsoid onto a flat surface, the resulting image is a projection.
A GCS is projected onto a surface that can be flattened.
Planar: A 2D flat plane
Conic: A 2D cone
Cylindrical: A 2D cylinder
Simplest option but limited applicability/scope. Usually only used for polar regions.
Great for mid-latitudes. Can only cover one hemisphere at a time.
Conic Projection - Nicely accounts for curvature of the earth.
Lat/Lon - Scruched & distorted image when displayed in 2 dimmensions.
Works for the full Earth (Normal). Or applied to small slices (Transverse)
Conformal: Shapes are preserved.
Equal-area: Areas is preserved.
Equidistant: Distance is preserved (*limited)
True-direction: Direction is preserved (*limited)
Compromise: Splits the difference for aesthetics
No angular deformation, but area is severely distorted.
Scale changes across the map, poor for measuring distances or areas.
Lambert Conformal Conic
Preserves area but angles/shapes are deformed.
Very useful in GIS where area must be preserved for land analysis.
Albers Equal Area
Globe is divided into strips 6 degrees wide. Zones span from 80N to 80S.
Each zone is projected on a transverse cylinder.
Little distortion within zones – great for mapping small areas.
Macknezie River Delta: a long, narrow feature
City of Vancouver: a small area
Strikes a balance between for aesthetics.
There isn't a "correct" answer here, but there are definitely wrong answers. You can typically get similar results with a handful of different projections, depending on your application.
Where do the data come from?
What is the map's purpose?
The relationship between distance on a map to distance in the real world.
How much smaller than reality is the map?
1/10,000,000 = 0.0000001
1/1,000 = 0.001
All maps require simplification of real world features, amount depends on map scale:
-Smaller scale maps require more generalization.
-Larger scale maps can include more detail.
Map scale will impact our choice of projection.
Projections that work at 1:000 aren't necessarily suited for a 1:10,000,000 map.
With conformal projections like the Mercator, scale changes with position on the map.