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Lab 1 Introduction

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn about different data types
  • Display map features
  • Add data to your map
  • Manipulate data tables
  • Create a map layout
  • Save your map and associated data files
  • Conduct geoprocessing
  • Learn how historical maps can be added to a GIS by georeferencing
  • Digitize historical data
  • Create a raster layer from a vector layer
  • Symbolize data
  • Export a map

Accessing ArcGIS Pro

See the Lab Details page on Canvas for information on how to access ArcPro via the Geography Department lab or download ArcPro on your own computer.

Saving Your Work

If you are using ArcPro installed on your own computer, you can manage your files however works best for you. However, if you are working on a Geography lab computer, follow the instructions on the lab details page closely.

Getting Started

The first step is opening ArcPro. You can find it using the Windows start tab or search bar. When ArcPro opens choose the Map under Blank Templates as shown below. Then create your new project. I’ve named mine Lab1_Project so I can easily identify it. This will be the name of the folder your project resides in. Set the location to an appropriate workspace. I am working on my own computer, and my workspace workspace is “C:\GEOG270\2021_S1\Labs”. This is the location where the project folder will be reside. If you are unfamiliar with the Windows operating system (OS), it might be helpful to take a few moments to learn about the differences between Windows and the OS (Mac, Linux) you are used to working with. Once you set up a new project, close ArcGIS Pro for now.

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Download Data.

Lets download the data we need and put it in our newly created project folder. Follow this link. Click the download. If a pop up appears, choose save, the file will be saved in the downloads folder.

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Open the windows file explorer (folder on bottom ribbon or search the start menu). Navigate to the downloads folder. You will see a folder called “CholeraOutbreak_1854.gdb”, note the type “Compressed (zipped) Folder” and size 11709 KB. Right click on the CholeraOutbreak_1854.gdb, choose a zip file manager, and select “Extract files”.

  • Zip files (.zip) are a method for compressing data so it can be stored and transfered more efficiently. However, to work with the data, we have to extract it.
  • On my computer, the 7-Zip is the .zip file manager. If you are working on the geography department computers, you can uses PeaZip instead. The specific options might differ, but the general principal is the same.

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In the pop up window, set your Lab1_Project folder as the Extract to location.

  • The lab data is now downloaded and stored in your project folder.

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